
Two Rivers School District 

Kindergarten Preregistration

Kindergarten Preregistration for the Two Rivers District will be held on Wednesday, May 5 - Friday, May 7, 2021, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Children entering Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year must be 5 years old, on or before, August 1, 2021.       

Please bring an official copy of your child’s birth certificate, guardianship papers (if applicable), immunization record , record of current physical examination, social security card (optional), and ARKids First/Medicaid card ( if applicable) to Two Rivers Elementary School.

Please call, email, or complete the Google Form (posted on our Two Rivers School District and Two Rivers Elementary Facebook pages) in order to set up a time for your child to be enrolled and assessed. 

If you are unable to attend, please call, so your child will be included in the 2021-2022 enrollment projections. 

We look forward to seeing you and meeting our new kindergarteners and parents!

Two Rivers School District phone number: 1-833-272-8773 

Email: or

 Two Rivers School District  Kindergarten Preregistration Time Sign-up