Summer School 2021


Two Rivers High School will be offering summer school on the TRHS campus beginning Tuesday, June 1, 2021 through Monday, June 21, 2021. 

This year's current 9th-11th grade students that choose to attend summer school must attend each day in order to receive credit.  

Due to the Pandemic, we are allowing 9th-11th student athletes the opportunity to take up to four classes in summer school this year. (Credit Recovery)

We hope students can get their grades up this week and next so summer school will not be needed. 

9th-11th Students who plan on attending Summer School need to try and get signed up by Wednesday, May 26 if at all possible. 

The Summer School Registration form will be available on the Two Rivers High School Facebook Page, Two Rivers School District Website, or it can be picked up at the Schools  main office or counselor's office.