Summer School

TRHS Second Chance @ Summer School 2021


 Sometimes, students need an additional opportunity for success.  Two Rivers High School Summer 2021 Credit Recovery Program will allow 10th-12th grade students the opportunity to make up classes they were unable to complete during the school year. 


TRHS offers online Plato credit recovery courses, for high school students who were unsuccessful in earning course credit during the school year.  Students may take up to four summer online courses for credit recovery in English, science, math, and social studies.


The online courses will be available 24 hours a day starting July 19, 2021.  All coursework for each class must be completed by August 9, 2021.


If you need to checkout a Chromebook, please contact our technology director Braxton Lay.


Please call Mr. Fisher or Mrs. Johnson at Two Rivers High School to sign up for this opportunity. (1-833-272-8773)